Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Drama Musikal "HILANG"

Tuhan trimakasih atas smua yg Engkau berikan kepada kami anak2Mu.kesuksessan kmaren smua karna berkatMu Tuhan.

perjalanan kita dari waktu kita audisi drama musikal Januari (kalo gak salah)kita dsuruh berdua2 bikin script ttg konflik2 dan kita latian ekspresi.trus kita mulai latian terus stiap hari Minggu pulang greja jam 1-4.latian script,teknis,smuanya.kita juga suka crita2 gt pas lagi drama.waktu terus berjalan smpai waktu bulan April kita latiannya uda full sabtu minggu.smua panitia yg slalu nungguin kita pas latian.kita mulai latian nyanyi nya.nungguin kak yuri di karantina sm meilita.hahahahahaha.aji dan jo yg udah ngebantuin kita.thanks ya aji, jo.kita juga slalu ada dokumentasinya dr kak andre dan kak enroe.tiap Minggu pasti kita latian vokal.itu seru bgt.ngmg pake perut.trus kalo kita latian sm jo, pasti ada aja yg melakukan ttg senam.itu slalu.hahahahaha.mau drama tp malah senam,badannya jo lentur bgt dah, offense jo.hahaha.kalo sama aji kita pasti dsuruh latian ngmg.banyak suka duka waktu kita ngerjain dramus ini.kak rina kak yessi yg udah buat lagu2nya, kak amanda yg udah ngasi konsumsi.hahahaha.gak tau tuh bener apa kaga.kak bellamy kak vidon yg udah bantuin kita terus.buat smua panitia dr mulai backstage smpe props.thanks bgt yaaaa

Sebuah karya drama musikal yang dipersembahkan oleh Komisi Pemuda GKI Pondok Indah.

setelah yang pergi kembali pulang

Aji NA

Jo Jagad

Meilita Kasiman
Daniel Kharisganda Partogi
Erick Theodorus
Albert Thom Joshua Fakdawer
Nicky Reinhard Pandelaki
Alicia Carolina Maretha
Kania Putri Widiastika
Sinsiretry Rabecca Simorangkir
Disti Anindita
Agus Susanto
Clara Tanone
Reita Wijaya
Yuri Sabrina

Adriel Josua Hatigoran Situmorang
Amanda Cynthia
Debby Kartika
Eben H. Ndapa
Febry Arnike
Josephine Budipranoto
Kezia Tjahjana
Isabella Isriyanto
Rebekka Simatupang
Surya Robertson
Tyo Sihombing

thanks buat smua cast and crew! first of all thanks to GOD! yesterday was amazing !

Kamis, 30 April 2009

traveling ..
i wanted to go to AMERICA this summer. cos' i really want to meet my family there. I also wanted to play in DISNEYLAND. I wish I could go to AMERICA with all my besties.

But we are planning to go to PUNCAK, again this may :)


Jumat, 24 April 2009

best party ! thanks to ode,kezia,alda,gloria!

jadi waktu minggu lalu ultah gue,gue dateng ke skolah fine2 aja.tiba2 alda sm kezia kluar nyelametin gue sambil nyanyiin lagu fifteen.nah tiba2 kanya manggil gue blg gue suruh bantuin dia gt.yaudah gue ksana dan ternyata ode bw birthday cake.tiba2 kezia,alda,gloria threw me whipped cream gt ijo2 gt.trus di muka gue di tulis 15.sampe rela dimarain guru karna kotor lantainnyaa.
pas pulang skolah,gue dibilang suruh buka jacket sm kacamata jam dll.ternyata di lemparin lebih parah.sampe gue ditakutin smua adek kelas.trus hari sabtu kita jalan ber10 ce2nya smua.
thanks ya ode,kezia,alda,gloria.and also kanya,tasha,echa,dea,nao LOVE YOU GUYS :)

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009


Yesterday i was having an audition with all my friends.After the first audition i kinda like nervous cause i have to make a scenario of "conflig2 things" with Kak Dame, and what happen is that kak Dame is angry with me cause in that scenario i was a kid that always clubbing everyday.oo man that's kinda crazy so different with the real one ( i guess ) hahahaha.

i dont know what really happen actually cause that make me so nervous until today.hahahaha

GETTING CRAZY WITH YESTERDAY! until todaaaaay and she already say sorry to me but i'm still NERVOUS!

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Last Month ! never forget !

Last month, we had fun together at PUNCAK ! with all of our classmates and 3 of our beloved teachers, Mr.Kim, Ms.Fransisca, Ms.Lorraine. Soo, we decided to meet up at my house. and we departed at 4. and we stopped at Cimory (somekind of milkstore) to have lunch. they boys were plain darn CRAZY. they played bets against each other, and the loser had to eat some sort of sauce . eww . after that,  we went to the hotel (or villa) and we HAD to like WAIT for the cleaner-person to like, clean up our rooms. i slept early. while the others were still talking and chatting. BUT i got up earlier than the others. and we walk around, pointlessly, looking at ppls who were fitness - ing . and we decided to JUMP into the pool. but, due to girlie-thing-problems-that-we-have-every-month i cant join them. soo i watch them instead.

Safari was next on the list. we took pictures of orangutans, tigers, zebras, hippos, and more. my friends decided to ride some rides. like the haunted house (which i ddnt ride, because im such a chicken) they said it was "PLAIN DARN SCARY" (kezia) "Fun, and that THING almost touched me!"  (Gloria) "WEE! really fun .. hate those darn skeletons" (alda)

The Point is SAFARI WAS FUN!

then we played soccer, but i ddnt join. i was sitting with a couple of other-chicken friends haha
me and my other-chicken friends ate Fried Bannanas, WE ATE A LOT! 

after dinner, we go KARAOKE - ing.  fun fun fun. we sang a lot. but then, My beloved teacher Mr.Kim .. decided to give a speech. and i cried . because i LOVE him soo much. but he decided to move from this school. I'll miss him . goodbye :[

i'll never forget

Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

The weird things happen

Last Sunday i went to Sency and Plaza Senayan with my friends . And we had fun together until around 5 o'clock.And after that all of my friends went to my house and we watched "Another Cinderella Story" that make one of my friend punch us with pillow cause he is the big fan of Selena Gomez.After we watched that movie, we decided to bike together until 7.30.and than when we arrived at home, and then all my friends go home.

the weird things is the punched things.

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009


this is my blog.My name is Kania and my full name is Kania Putri Widiastika Widjajadi.I'm 14 going to 15 "sinqniera" I go to Pondok Indah Global School.And I hope i can share some of the stories in my life.